среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt ('Gestalt'- in German - a figure, image, integrity, what is ' Nothing' has become ' something ') - a modern trend in existential psychotherapy. Today Gestalt showing their potential and ability to be effectively used not only in psychotherapy, as well as in teaching, education, business, arts. Gestalt therapy focuses on the human consciousness of the processes occurring in the 'here and now ' in every moment of this vremyani, Gestalt therapy develops awareness, responsibility and restores the ability to experience your emotions and feelings, yet too often tsenzuriruemye Western culture. It develops a holistic image of man in the five spheres of life: physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual.

A physical -. Includes all material and physical aspects of human life ( material well-being, physical health, sexual maturity).

2- emotional. Scope of emotional experiences, feelings (love, joy, sadness, joy...) and the ability to understand their expression and.

3 is a rational. Capacity for rational thinking, planning, analysis, creativity, ability to anticipate and create yourself and the world.

4- social. Relationships with other people ( friends, colleagues, relatives) cultural environment, the whole complex of social relations of human.

5- spiritual. The place and the person's knowledge of itself and the surrounding space. Knowledge of the laws of life and spiritual values ​​and meanings, which draws people. Gestalt conducive to genuine contact with people, ability to create well-balanced with the surrounding world, as well as awareness of violations of the anachronistic ability to contact, which too often push us to the painful repetition of neurotic behavior scenarios.

The methods of Gestalt therapy can notice and observe processes and blocking interrupt the cycle of contact, to recognize and change patterns, obstacles and illusions standing in the way of life. Gestalt proposes to act and feel, more than explains the origin of our difficulties. In order to make free decisions in the creation of the meanings of their actions, where the role of feelings mobilizes and supports people in its changes. Attention! . It's close, but very different 'things '. Gestalt psychology - the direction of psychology that studies the structure of integral consciousness, images of. This trend emerged in Germany in the early XXcen. in response to the work of many psychologists and researchers who ' broke ' mentality of the individual trace elements, and then studied them separately. This approach is justified in the classical hard sciences: physics, mathematics, biology, but not in the Gestalt psychology! . von Ehrenfels (G. von Ehrenfels) and has no exact equivalent in English or in Russian language. Very roughly, depending on the context, its meaning can be transmitted to the words ' image ', ' form ', ' structure ', ' organized whole '. Therefore, in psychological texts, it is usually not translated. The basic position of Gestalt psychology states that the phenomenon as a whole is not simply the sum of its parts. This statement clearly contradicts everything we know, for example, from the geometry. However, the fact that the adherents of Gestalt psychology compares the behavior of the music rather than the mathematics. Think of your favorite song. If you perceive each note individually, you could not play the melody. In addition, all notes can be interchanged, or play the same melody in a different key. Thus, the relationship is of paramount importance (or organization) notes. In line with this concept, human behavior loses its meaning, being divided into separate components. Proponents of Gestalt psychology, behaviorists try to convince that the structural organization of behavior in general is more important than the individual actions. Therefore, from the point of view of adherents of Gestalt psychology, psychology should study the experience of man, his perception and intuitive processes that have inevitably relates to the field of consciousness.


Gestalt therapy begins with what is important for the client at the moment, saying the living and the excitement and anxiety at the moment, aware of the relationship to past unresolved or unfinished events or the future prospects for unrest. Opening the opportunity to explore the associated feelings and expressing them as possible: the loneliness and rejection, lack of confidence in himself to himself, the anger, the need for affection or recognition. Gestalt includes a specific way related to the complex variety of techniques, verbal and practical, using the speech, senses, imagination, fantasy and dreams, creativity, movement, body....


Dr.. ).

• In the area of personal growth and development: for those looking to unleash your hidden potential.

• The Education ( Individual or Group ).

• In advising companies and organizations,.

• Even in the arts.

Review of books on Gestalt.

Where did. Gestalt is a strange word?.

On the history of. development of gestalt.

Wikipedia. of the Gestalt.

resources. Network Gestalt.

The European. Association for Gestalt Therapy.

Gestalt. the internet ( a great resource ).

library. Ufa community gestalt therapist.

Gestalt center. H. Rubshtein video.

Code of Ethics. gestalt therapist.

exercises. on self-awareness.

Download the audio lecture. '. The bases of Gestalt therapy '.

ten myths. of the Gestalt.

clinical tests. to determine the level of depression and anxiety online.

Online test. '. Attitudes '.

Luscher Test. (on the experiences of the current situation in t. h. ).

Testing of the ISIF. consists of five modules, covering 14 areas of your professional and personal life, including:.

Skills relationships with people.

Ability to make effective decisions.

Strategic thinking skills.

The ability to find new opportunities.

Time management skills.

unique Features.

and other. (registration, test -free).
video. on Gestalt Therapy.

Dear students! . program. You can just send me your questions and answers. We will publish your work using the authorship. Good luck!.

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